We are the community formerly known as CommunityCommunity.org. What's with "MicroChurch"? We certainly aren't the church (or even a church), but we are a piece of the church universal called by Jesus Christ:

Even at this miniature scale you can recognize the features of his Body.

Plunge into Samuel!

Welcome to MicroChurch.org

We meet from 7:00 to 9:30 PM to worship God, to attend to his Word, and to serve one another in the name of Jesus Christ.

Here's our calendar for the coming weeks
(with responsibility reminders):

April 6
at Brad's

Samuel Wrap-Up and Discussion: Jon
Worship: Alisa
Communion: Brad
Snacks & drinks: Boyds

April 13

no meeting
optional dance field trip


April 20
at Brad's

Intercessory prayer #1: the community
Worship: derek
Communion: Beckers
Snacks & drinks: Brad

April 27
at the Taylor-Applings'

Intercessory prayer #2: the community
Worship: Tom
Communion: Kallen-Youngbergs
Snacks & drinks: Beckers

May 4
at the Boyds' (or KYs')

Intercessory prayer #3: the community
Worship: Kallen-Youngbergs
Communion: Alisa
Snacks & drinks: Brad

May 11
at Brad's

Bible study: Jon
Worship: derek
Communion: Brad
Snacks & drinks: Boyds

May 18

no meeting

May 25
at the Beckers'

Potluck Planning Supper
details TBD

Contact us via microchurch{at}gmail{dot}com
Other resources:
Communion Orders (in Acrobat format):
from the Didache (77K)
from the Book of Common Prayer, "mystery of faith" version (77K)
from the Book of Common Prayer, "interstellar space" version (77K)

MicroChurch.org is produced by the Octothorp Press.
© 2002-2006 by MicroChurch.org. All rights reserved.
rev. 2006.04.16